This is brilliant. I've never liked that Keynes wanker.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Front running the election

Thanks to Grumpy
Postman Al raised the terror alert level last night to ‘Severe’. He freely admits that, “there is no intelligence to suggest than an attack is imminent.” It is true that there is a conference next week to discuss the problems in the Yemen, but does this really justify the increase in level from the prior level of ‘Substantial’?
Many have suggested that this is part of a plan to generate an excuse to avoid a general election. Although I believe that the psycho mind of the pant-pissing, one-eyed snot-goblin has considered this on more than one occasion, I doubt that raising the level at this time is part of that plan. To justify suspending the election there would have to be an ‘incident’ before he could get away with it. We will have to wait until April before the cunt puts that plan into action.
I think that this is more likely to be old fashioned manipulation. When a shop has a sale it is often suggested that the price of the goods is increased for a period beforehand in some of their outlets so that they can justify their claims of discount. This is what is happening here. The terror level has been raised for a period of time before the election. Nothing will happen, because it was never going to, and the level will be dropped just before polling day. The nuLieBore cunts will then claim that they have saved the country again by preventing a terrorist act.
Look for more things like this. Despite the polls that show a substantial lead for the Conservatives I don’t believe that they are such a certainty to win. Not that they would be any better that the cunts we have in power now. The distribution of votes means that there is still a very good chance of nuLieBore retaining power after an election. If they were certain to lose then they wouldn’t hold one at all (see above). Fake promises, bribes to various demographics, and manipulating the fear of the people using the terror alert level are in the election armory of nuLieBore and they will use them to win an election with extreme prejudice.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
OI ! Snot Goblin, you cunt! Nuke the fuckers!
The evil, pant pissing, snot goblin is getting grief from former ministers Hoon, and Hewitt who want a confidence vote in his leadership.
What you going to do then you queer psycho? What are the voices in your fucking ugly one-eyed head telling you? I know that all you want to do is go back to the nursery and sit in your nappy on your rocking horse, but you can’t right now.
If you want to fuck those cunts right up then go round to see Queenie right away. She can put things right. Ask her to dissolve parliament and to hold a general election. That will teach all those cunts a leason.
Go on do it. You know you want to. Do it NOW!
Somehow I don’t think he will take my advice or encouragement. If this ballot ever takes place, which I doubt, he will win. The weather man says that this cold spell is going to last a few more weeks. Just suppose that he did call an election, we could have a new government just as the weather gets nice again.
Friday, 1 January 2010
Predictions for 2010
- The UK will still have a Labour government
- Gordon Brown will no longer be prime minister and will spend sometime in hospital
- UK will lose its AAA rating
- Sterling will weaken
- Inflation will rise ever higher especially in food and energy
- Interest rates will be higher
- Unemployment up
- Public sector strikes
- Cuts to unemployment / sickness benefits and maybe to pensions too
- Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria